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Phoenix Tapware Vivid Slimline

Model Number: VS711 CHR

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Phoenix 20vivid

Adding a new dimension to the Vivid family, Phoenix has released a new selection of Vivid Slim Line mixers. Allowing for more freedom and movement with it's designer slim line lever handles, these stylish and practical mixers will effortlessly suit any living environment.

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Phoenix Tapware

Good interior bathroom and kitchen design will always be inspired by emerging trends and a passion for quality workmanship and fashionable finishes. Single tap mixers continue to be popular, with their ease of use and minimalist appearance and square body tapware has become more prominent. Phoenix now combines both trends.
However beautiful tapware is not enough, designers and consumers are now looking for more; water conservation and care for our environment are now paramount in our minds, so a high WELS rating is a key need, with high pressure low flow shower heads and efficient mixers.
Gone are the days when the bathroom or kitchen was simply somewhere to wash or cook. Innovative design now aims to create additional living spaces, so beautiful tapware and accessories are expected, rather than an option. Phoenix has a multitude of styles, finishes and many are available in matching collections, so an overall interrelated bathroom and kitchen style is easily achieved.