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Billi Sahara 3120 XR

Model Number: Sahara 3120 XR

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Boiling water filtration has come a long way. More of an oasis, Billi Sahara discreetly blends form and function in a complete water filter system. Explore your own Sahara, from sleek looks to compact underbench design, boiling and drinking water filters plus location flexibility.

Boiling water on tap
Enjoy filtered water within 1°C of boiling from the first drop. Even during heavy use, Sahara’s unique water filter system holds boiling water at constant heat. With its stainless steel tank, Sahara ensures the ultimate in cleanliness, advanced filtration and taste.

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Billi is Australia's own filtered water system. Leading the way for over 20 years, we have maintained a commitment to leadership and innovation. The result is a range of uncompromising quality.
Award-winning Billi water systems are preferred by Australian designers and architects for their timeless styling and space-saving design. Offering energy and water efficiency benefits, Billi is Australia’s touchstone for filtered water systems and sensor tap technology.