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Elmich TurfPave

Model Number: TurfPave

Elmich 20turfpave
Elmich 20turfpave.

TurfPave XD is a lightweight, high strength interlocking plastic grass paver designed for the creation of grassed areas subject to pedestrian and occasional vehicular traffic.
TurfPave XD grass pavers are used in the construction of emergency access, overflow parking, home driveways, golf buggy paths and slope stabilization.
TurfPave XD has a porous structure allowing rainwater to infiltrate into the ground. The high load-bearing structure protects grass roots against compaction and effectively supports loads imposed by large fire trucks.
TurfPave XD cells contain notches, have large open base areas and high void spaces that promote and ensure healthy root development.
TurfPave XD grass pavers are also suited for gravel containment.

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Elmich Australia Pty Ltd commenced business in 1997 and has expanded rapidly to become a leading designer and distributor of innovative landscape engineering products. We distribute our product range throughout Australia, New Zealand, the South Pacific and also service many international markets.
Elmich has the support of a professional, dedicated and technically skilled service network that works closely with specifiers and end-users to provide fail-safe, cost-effective solutions to the landscape, construction and engineering industries.

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