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Elmich VersiCell

Model Number: VersiCell

Elmich 20versicell
Elmich 20versicell.

VersiCell is a lightweight, high strength modular drainage cell designed primarily for sub-surface drainage and waterproofing membrane protection or to form tanks for underground storm water infiltration or storage.
VersiCell is manufactured from high strength polypropylene and finds application in the construction of roof gardens, plaza decks, basements, pond filtration systems, concealed drains, pre-cast and in situ drains and sports fields.
VersiCell drainage cells eliminate the need for an additional protection layer when installed with a waterproofing membrane. VersiCell drainage cells when installed between roof decks and pavers or ballast, reduce sound transmission and increase heat insulation.
Unlike drainage sheets or other drainage cells, VersiCell drainage cells are able to withstand loads imposed by wheel burrows and mechanical equipment such as Bobcats.
Available as 20 mm and 30 mm high modules, VersiCell modules interlock in the same plane or at right angles to one another or may be butted together.

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Elmich Australia Pty Ltd commenced business in 1997 and has expanded rapidly to become a leading designer and distributor of innovative landscape engineering products. We distribute our product range throughout Australia, New Zealand, the South Pacific and also service many international markets.
Elmich has the support of a professional, dedicated and technically skilled service network that works closely with specifiers and end-users to provide fail-safe, cost-effective solutions to the landscape, construction and engineering industries.

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