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Legrand Excel Life Switch

Model Number: Excel Life Switch

Legrand excel life switch
Legrand excel life switch 1

Excel Life is a comprehensive range of switches and sockets for residential and commercial installations. Featuring innovations such as electronic push-button switches with customisable LED colours, LED ring kits, powerpoints with internal safety shutters, and single module time delay and surge protection devices, Excel Life exemplifies Everyday Excellence.

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PlusSpec Pro: Design & Drafting Automation BIM for designers using Sketchup

Automate the process of design & create information-rich 3D models that enable clients to instantly understand the design intent and contractors to implement your creation onsite.

PlusSpec pro software is created for architects & building designers, to simplify BIM to a way that just about anyone can use and understand.

Comprehensive features make PlusSpec Pro an ideal solution for the entire building project team. PlusSpec was created to target and meet the growing needs of our building community.

For Architects and designers, the PlusSpec Pro Plugin for Sketchup enables parametric model creation for planning and documentation. Find Out More