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Stramit Speed Deck Ultra

Model Number:

Stramit speeddeckultra concealedfixeddecking r
Stramit speeddeckultra concealedfixeddecking l
Wide Cover - fewer sheets and quicker installation.

Deep Ribs - stronger and stiffer with better water carrying capacity; roof slopes as low as 1°.

Full Length Clips - to locate ribs and compress insulation.

Four Fixing Points Per Clip - with centralised fastening for unsurpassed strength.

Hexagon Head Screws - bigger, stronger and easier to install, with less wastage.

Outstanding Wind Load Resistance - improved security with lower purlin costs.

Spring Curving - data for arched and curved roofs.

Automatic Bird Proofing - built in accessory with no need for extra components.

Compatible lap joint system

Allows in-plane long run roofs

Provides solution for limited access sites.

The visual appeal, strength, wide cover, light weight and weather resistance of Stramit Speed Deck Ultra® decking make it perfect for all commercial roofing applications. Its excellent strength and ease of assembly allow for long, economical spans.The large water-carrying capacity and weather-tightness permit very low roof pitches, leading to economies in the building structure.

Specification Link here

*All products also available in PlusSpec

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Stramit Building Products

Stramit Building Products is a major Australian manufacturer of roll-formed steel building products, including roof and wall cladding, guttering, fascia, purlins, flooring and structural formwork. Stramit® products can be ordered with confidence, regardless of the size or location of the building project. Stramit Building products are listed items inside PlusSpec and PlusDesignBuild and are geolocated for your convenience. Architects designers and builders looking to design with Stramit® products should look into our latest 2D, 3D, 4D & 5D BIM & VDC software

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