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V-ZUG Combair SL - SLP Oven

Model Number: Combair SL - SLP Oven

Vzug combair sl oven skp2
Vzug combair sl oven extralargeicon
Premium Swiss Quality 
Combined operation Oven
Operating time / switch-off time Yes
Warming function Yes
Food probe 
Climate sensor 
Integrated recipes 
Fully electronic appliance Yes
Electronic clock timer Yes
Plain text display Yes
Cooking space volume 68.0 litre
Cooking space 
Dual enamel
Lighting 2 halogen bulbs
Time and timer Yes
Rotisserie spit 

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Genuine Swiss Quality: This starts with the production facility. Only V-ZUG develops and produces high quality appliances for the kitchen and laundry room in Switzerland. To do so, it employs state-of-the-art work processes and more than 1200 highly qualified staff who identify fully with V-ZUG's goals and values. What began life as a galvanizer's shop in 1913 has evolved into a major high-tech company that has a presence in every other Swiss household with at least one appliance.